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Java Introduction
Origin, History, Features, Career Prospects, Salary Ranges
Java Basics & Eclipse
Post-install configuration, Compiling and executing, Variables and arrays, Create packaged classes, Writing a simple program, Data types, Using Eclipse, Eclipse shortcuts
Operators & Expressions
Arithmetic operators, Boolean operators, Logical operators, Binary operators
Control Statements
Branching Statements, Iterative Statements, Break & Continue Statements, While, For, Do..While, Goto Statement, Break & Continue with enhancements
Java Object Oriented Programming
Basics of OOPs, Fundamentals of class & object, New keyword, Reference variables, Member methods of a class, Constructors, Finalize method, Overloading member methods, Passing and returning objects with methods, Access control, Static methods, Static variables, Static block, Using final keyword
Basics of inheritance, Members accessibility in inheritance, Using super keyword, Multilevel inheritance, The sequence of execution of constructors in inheritance, Method overriding, Dynamic method dispatch, Abstract classes, Preventing overriding, Preventing inheritance
Exception Handling
Fundamentals of exceptions,
Types of exceptions,
Using try and catch keywords,
Multiple catches,
Nesting of try blocks,
Using throw keyword,
Using throws keyword,
Finally block,
Some predefined exceptions and their usage,
User defined exceptions
Purpose of interface,
Defining an interface,
Implementing interfaces,
Interface reference variables,
Interface with variables,
Extending interfaces
Multi-Threaded Programming
Basics of threads,
Java threaded model,
Defining threads using Runnable interface,
Defining threads using Thread superclass,
Multiple threads,
Thread Priority values,
Thread Synchronization using synchronized methods,
Thread Synchronization using synchronized blocks
Predefined Libraries
Using String class,
Using java.lang package,
Working with Data & Time,
Utility framework,
Collection framework,
I/O framework